I find sex painful

For those with vaginas and vulvas, sex can be painful. So painful, that despite enjoying the intimacy with a partner, they don’t enjoy having sex. But there is an ever bigger issue at play. Many aren’t talking about it.
Does Female ejaculation actually exist?

Despite many sex education textbooks and classrooms not referencing it, it does exist. Few vulva owners have experienced this, but thanks to the growing popularity of air suction clitoral vibrators, squirting also known as female ejaculation is on the rise. So what is it?Female ejaculation is when a watery substance is released at the height […]
How two vulva owners have sex

Whether its your first time having sex ever, or your first time having sex with two vulva-owners, it can feel daunting. Exciting, but daunting. Before I first experienced being with another vulva owner, Google definitely saw some interesting searches from me using the phrases I identified with at the time – ‘How to have lesbian […]
What does the female orgasm feel like?

Orgasms are unique experiences for everyone. Unique to their mood; unique to the amount of stimuli; unique to the foreplay and time spent in the lead up to the orgasm; dependent on your sexual history; and unique in their relationship to the individual and/or their partner. While some women have quite definitive orgasms where they […]
I never want sex. Am I Asexual?

Many people at some stage of their life have identified as not feeling very sexual. For most it’s about the timing; life can get stressful, medications can reduce your libido and sometimes your body just isn’t feeling it. But for some there just isn’t any sex drive at all. For people who are completely asexual, […]
Top porn sites for female pleasure

Pornography seems to be everywhere these days, but mainly targeted towards pleasing those with a penis. From viewing some of these videos, you could be excused for assuming people with vaginas all love to be degraded into sexual acts… and whilst there are plenty who do, they are not the majority. I love and celebrate […]