Sexology Geelong & Telehealth

I support people and those in relationships of any kind who find sex uninspiring, painful, struggle to get aroused, struggle with performance anxiety or would like to learn to communicate, understand, to locate there desire or to orgasm. I want to help you find the enjoyable side of sex.

I am on a mission for sexual wellbeing for every body!

I can help with:

  • Lack of arousal
  • Mismatched Libido
  • Painful Sex
  • Erection difficulties
  • Difficulty reaching orgasm
  • Performance anxiety
  • Sexual trauma
  • Early or delayed ejaculation
  • Transitioning changes

*Anyone who identifies this way. This was a lovely informal study that did not dictate the standards of being a woman. 

What is the difference between sexology & relationship counselling?

Sexology specific counselling is for people or relationships where sex is the primary issue. 

For those in relationships, if communication is great, your values align, there is trust, attunement/turning towards, no betrayal, your parenting-styles and/or life-goals align, then sexology-specific sessions will be the better fit for you.  

If you’re not sure, then we will start with relationship counselling, and if everything seems great, except for sex and/or intimacy, then we will proceed to sexology-only sessions. If other things are discovered as areas to work on, we will start with relationship counselling, and then shift to sexology later on. 

Initial relationship sessions for both sexology and counselling are 80 minutes.

For individuals if sex, desire or intimacy is an issue for you, and/or you have a partner but are not yet ready to involve them, then we can commence with sexology-specific sessions, and involve your partner later if they agree to join. Individual sessions are 50 minutes. 

You are welcome to email me/Stacey if you have any questions

Booking enquiry


Fill out the form and Stacey will get back to you via email or phone to book. 

Embrace Your Body: The Sauna Sessions


Got questions?

Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

Later in Life Lesbian Support


Got questions?
Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.