Does Female ejaculation actually exist?

Despite many sex education textbooks and classrooms not referencing it, it does exist. Few vulva owners have experienced this, but thanks to the growing popularity of air suction clitoral vibrators, squirting also known as female ejaculation is on the rise.

So what is it?
Female ejaculation is when a watery substance is released at the height of arousal. Not surprisingly very few studies have been done on this female phenomenon, and therefore there is little consensus in the scientific community on what it actually is. One camp believes there is only one process of ejaculation, whilst others believe there are two. Those belonging to the two camp, suggest that squirting and ejaculation are separate things, with squirting referring to a colourless and quite odourless liquid coming out of the urethra. If you are well hydrated it can involve quite large quantities of water! This camp sees ejaculation as a thicker and milkier liquid containing fructose and an enzyme prostatic acid phosphate (PSA) that comes from the ‘Skenes Gland’. On the other side, are those who believe that there is only one process that involves a mix of the two in varying quantities.

For many women, the release of the liquid is accompanied by a feeling of completion and relief, not unlike the sense of release that often accompanies an orgasm. It is often paired with an orgasm, but for some women, it occurs around 10-30 seconds after an orgasm, and for others can occur completely separate from an orgasm.

Tip to experience this
If you want to explore this for yourself or for a partner, then there are a few things to note. 

1. Get yourself a waterproof mat. You can Google the not-so-glamorous term ‘incontinence mats’ to find a great range of options, or I recently stumbled across the Australian-owned company Sacred Squirter and their range of beautiful waterproof blankets designed just for this purpose.

2. Get yourself a clitoral vibrator such as the Satisfyer Pro or the Womaniser. Many clitoris owners I have mentioned this to have had success squirting after a few attempts with this device. 

3. Hydrate! If you are well hydrated with water, the pleasant feeling of the squirting will last longer and can be more intense. Essentially it allows you to squirt for longer and with greater volume.

Happy Squirting ladies. 

Hit me up with a DM at @ocode_sexology on instagram to tell me your happy results. 

Stacey xx


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