Is there a Medicare Sexology rebate?

Currently sexology is not medicare rebatable. The Australian Society of Sexologists are petitioning the government to change this. Mental Health Care Plans from a GP are not accepted. You do not need a referral to book.

Is sexology all about trauma & psychology?

We do so much more! Sexology considers health/medical factors, relationships, sexual history, sex education and psychological factors. For some people there is one clear path that needs addressing, and for others it's multiple. Whilst I am qualified in assessing potential medical factors, I will refer you to medical specialists if something medical needs to be diagnosed and addressed.

Do you offer telehealth?

Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral to book an appointment. However I do accept referrals from healthcare practitioners and can liaise with them on your presenting issue should you opt for me to do so.

Do you touch clients?

No. I am a non-touch sexologist. There are some sexologists called 'somatic sexologists' who do touch practices with clients who provide consent. Please note that touch therapists are not regulated by the Society of Australian Sexologists and they do not have a peak governing body of their own. As a non-touch PsychoSexologist, I am governed by and adhere to the ethics of the Society of Australian Sexologists.

Is everything confidential?

Yes. Everything remains confidential unless:
- you approve me to share certain information with another healthcare professional.
- you threaten to harm yourself or another individual.
- you bring up abuse of a current minor.
- my notes are subpoened in court.
We will discuss confidentiality in detail at the beginning of your first session in case you have questions.

Do you work with Queer/LGBTIQA+ people?

Yes! I am a queer therapist myself. I work with anyone on the gender/sexuality/relationship rainbow.

Do you work with neurodivergent clients?

Yes! And I understand that I might need to change my standard protocols to help you get the most out of our sessions.

Do you work with NDIS clients?

Do you work with different cultures?

Every single client I see has a different cultural experience to me, be that religion, country of origin, ethnicity, identity, sexuality, skin colour, gender, hobbies and more. I advise all clients, that my life experience is different to theirs. I work from a social justice lens, and feel that it's healthy to acknowledge/explore how minority groups and intersectionality impact our daily experiences in the world.

Booking enquiry


Fill out the form and Stacey will get back to you via email or phone to book. 

Embrace Your Body: The Sauna Sessions


Got questions?

Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

Later in Life Lesbian Support


Got questions?
Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.