Vulva mapping

Woman lying down naked on bed

Have you ever set aside time to explore your own body and touch it in a way that truly makes you feel connected and nurtured with yourself? We find it easy to explore other people’s bodies and prioritise their pleasure but may find it difficult to prioritise our own. We may get lazy with self-pleasure […]

I find sex painful

Bed linen depicting Vaginismus and painful sex

For those with vaginas and vulvas, sex can be painful. So painful, that despite enjoying the intimacy with a partner, they don’t enjoy having sex. But there is an ever bigger issue at play. Many aren’t talking about it. A large study in the US recently found 23% of women* experienced pain in their last […]

Does Female ejaculation actually exist?

Woman with hands depicting female ejaculation

Despite many sex education textbooks and classrooms not referencing it, it does exist. Few vulva owners have experienced this, but thanks to the growing popularity of air suction clitoral vibrators, squirting also known as female ejaculation is on the rise. So what is it?Female ejaculation is when a watery substance is released at the height […]

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Embrace Your Body: The Sauna Sessions


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Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.

Later in Life Lesbian Support


Got questions?
Feel free to contact me, and I will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.